Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Religion Junior

My six-year-old daughter was talking religion with me the other day. She feels sad about the death of my grandmother, whom she knew. My grandmother's death a couple of years ago was my daughter's first and only experience with death. She would like to be able to bring her great-grandmother back to life. And then it got interesting.

She got to wondering whether this was something Santa could do, given that he's magic. Then she was wondering if it was something God could do for her. Then she got to wondering if maybe Santa could talk to God on her behalf, because she figures they probably know each other. The more she got to thinking about it, the more this made sense to her, because Santa delivers presents to all the kids in the world to celebrate the birth of Jesus. So that must mean he believes in God. And maybe that means that the way he figures out if kids are good is to figure out if they believe in God. It was an interesting train of thought.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Job Interview

Well, I had a job interview the other day. I haven't heard anything yet. Good news would be better than no news. But no news is better than bad news.

The morning of the interview I was talking about it with my daughter. She didn't know what an interview is, so I explained how they'd ask me lots of questions about myself to find out if I'd be good in the job. I told her one of the common questions they'd ask is what are 3 strengths that would make me good in the job. She thought about it a while, then said, "You're really good at Computer Science. Hmmm. You really like Computer Science. Hmmm." Then she had to think a while. Then she said, "And you're really nice." So then I told her they'd ask what are 3 weaknesses, things that would make me bad in the job. And she said, with no hesitation at all, "You don't play with me. You're really bossy. And you give me time outs." So there you have it. And now I wait.